HVP Series Pumps
engineered solutions

Flows to from 100 m3/h to 10000 m3/h Heads to 350 m
- The HVP Series of pumps is a multi-stage vertical turbine pump
- The HVP Series of pumps can be fitted with axial and semi-axial impellers
- The HVP Series of pumps can have double suction impellers andmultiple stages
- The HVP Series of pumps was developed using modern, sophisticated CFD and Finite Element for structural analysis and pump layout
- The HVP product line can be supplied with different sizes of suction, discharge and column piping
- Water Systems
- Water-Waste
- Water Intake
- Off-Shore
- Conventional & Nuclear Power Generation
- Chemical and Petrochemical Plants
- Refinery Services
- Booster Stations
- Irrigation
- Fire Pumps
Vertical Turbine Pumps

Vertical Axial Flow Pumps

Heger Pumps, Inc. 24 h – hotline +1 (562) 989-5432 or [email protected]